Fertilizer storage to do "six prevention"


Entering Futian, it is the season of high temperature and high humidity. Some fertilizers are deformed due to improper storage and moisture, resulting in fertilizer caking and nutrient loss, which affects product quality. In general, there are three ways to store fertilizer: warehouse storage, shed storage and open field storage.

In the high temperature and rainy season, the fertilizer should be stored in the warehouse. The storehouse should be ventilated and cooled, as well as rainproof and moisture-proof. There are two storage methods for fertilizer in the warehouse: large pile storage and bagged storage.

For nitrogen fertilizer varieties with strong hygroscopicity, such as ammonium, whether it is scattered in large piles or stored in bags, in order to avoid agglomeration, the height of scattered piles and bags should be controlled, such as large bags of 25-40kg, with 20 bags in a pile of moderate height.

If the goods shed storage is selected, the stacking place should be selected in a place with high terrain, flat ground and no water accumulation, and reed mat or plastic film should be laid under it. After the fertilizer is neatly stacked, it should be covered with plastic film. At the same time, the roof of the shed should be erected and covered with tarpaulin to prevent rain.

Here is a special reminder that fertilizer storage should be "six".

A volatile ammonia, ammonium bicarbonate is very volatile, so the storage should be sealed. There are nitrogen fertilizers, calcium superphosphate is strictly prohibited with lime, plant ash and other alkaline substances mixed pile, to prevent chemical reactions, resulting in nitrogen fertilizer volatilization and reduce the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer.

Second, moisture-proof ammonium, lime nitrogen and calcium superphosphate are easy to agglomerate after moisture absorption, affecting the application effect. There is also ammonium bicarbonate moisture absorption, nitrogen volatile, to seal firmly, to avoid contact with the air. Therefore, these fertilizers should be stored in a dry, cool place.

Three anti-corrosion superphosphate is corrosive and should be prevented from contacting with skin and metal appliances. Ammonia has strong corrosion to copper and iron and should be stored in ceramic, plastic and wooden containers. In addition, fertilizers cannot be stacked with seeds, and do not use fertilizers to bag seeds, so as not to affect seed germination.

Four anti-high temperature nitrogen fertilizers will accelerate the volatilization loss of nitrogen when exposed to sunlight. Ammonium will decompose oxygen when exposed to high temperature, which will cause fertilizer failure.

Five fire ammonium, potassium and other combustion, storage can not and flammable materials such as kerosene, gasoline, straw, wood chips, etc. stacked together, so as not to cause a fire.

Six anti metal ammonium, potassium, etc. if mixed with copper, iron and other metal powder, once the friction impact, it will cause an accident. Therefore, after these fertilizer agglomerates harden, do not hit them with metal objects, but crush them with heavy objects.

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